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Silvia Mordini

LIFE Inspired
Saint Petersburg, Florida

Resiliency Teacher, Intuitive Guide, Writer, and Entrepreneur 

Silvia Mordini’s living story is a fresh path through recovery to loving renewal, and it serves as both a cautionary tale and visionary guide. Her vivid moments include the personal traumas shared by so many modern women as well as the healing it requires. 

Judge by the cover, and Silvia Mordini’s life is the female American success story. From top corporate accolades to “wellness entrepreneur” before thirty years old. Internationally recognized, widely published, and the very image of timeless beauty and health, she manifests success and a life to be envied, but like a vivid kaleidoscope, brokenness hides within.

Her color shines through her international heritage. Born in Ecuador, with proud Italian roots, including family from Brazil, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. After immigrating to the states as a child, she mastered English as a third language, adding music as an all-encompassing fourth.  

Chapter 1 Immigrant story 

The immigrant work ethic drives her success, ingrained to believe that working ten times harder is the baseline. Doors unopened, and without a seat at the Wellness table, she had to build a table herself. This is why she is committed to making success easier for other women without cultural advantages. 

Chapter 2 Loss of identity

The most painful part of her story was a loss of identity. This first occurred hiding her cultural identity to fit in, followed by  losing herself in an abusive marriage. Hiding became so second nature that she felt like her insides no longer matched her outsides. 

Conditioned to believe that her authentic identity wasn’t good enough, Silvia learned to excel as a white-passing Latina. Under constant pressure of being found out, throughout her career, she was rewarded and promoted for her “high-functioning anxiety.”

It took decades for her to unlearn self-abandonment and regain authority to live an authentic life. 

Chapter 3 No top of the mountain to healing

With a past filled with trauma, she admits  “her wounds have wounds.” With the wisdom of a personal  healing journey that took her all over the world working with shamans from Bali to Hawaii, Silvia teaches others there’s no need to wait to be fully healed to start living fully. Simply getting a little bit better—even just 5%, will make life a whole lot easier.

Silvia knows it’s possible to transform trauma to triumph, transmute wounds to wisdom, and obstacles to opportunities. And she’s dedicated to helping others do the same and ensures you believe it’s possible for you, too. 

Along the way, resiliency became Silvia’s lifelong superpower. 

She slayed PTSD, anxiety, and agoraphobia by using holistic cures and modalities—a plant-based diet, meditation, mantra, shamanic ceremonies, plant medicine and yoga.

My Intersectional Identities Are:

She/Her, Brown Immigrant to USA, cis gender womxn, Latina, Ecuadorian, Able bodied. Sun sign Cancer, Moon sign Pisces, Rising Sign Pisces, 108 in Mayan System, LGBTQIA+Ally, Living on Tocoboga tribe land. 10 years expat in Bali and Italy. ESTJ on MBTI. Empath. Generation X. Pitta/Vata dosha. TBI survivor to thriver. 2 NDE’s. Daughter, Sister, currently childfree. Transformation Leader, Writer.

She/Her, Brown Immigrant to USA, cis gender womxn, Latina, Ecuadorian, Able bodied. Sun sign Cancer, Moon sign Pisces, Rising Sign Pisces, 108 in Mayan System, LGBTQIA+Ally, Living on Tocoboga tribe land. 10 years expat in Bali and Italy. ESTJ on MBTI. Empath. Generation X. Pitta/Vata dosha. TBI survivor to thriver. 2 NDE’s. Daughter, Sister, currently childfree. Transformation Leader, Writer.

What lessons could other people learn from your life?

Be grateful to everyone who ever told you No. They are the reason for you to go out and do it yourself. Never ever deny who you are, what you look like and where you come from. What is always trending is authenticity. Don’t hold back or hide your intelligence. The

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